Seimi Baby Rinki highchair at RollAbout

Made of solid birch wood, Rinki is a stool that can be easily changed into a highchair. *isn't that brilliant?* Designed by Hannu Peltonen for seimi baby collection, it's available for purchase at RollAbout, a Swedish online shop. Thanks, Linda!
Stephanie Levy

Stephanie Levy is an American artist living in Germany who creates mixed media collages and paintings depicting fictional interiors. This September, you could find some of her collages at SQFT Gallery in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Other works (like shown above) can be ordered directly from her site. Thanks, Stephanie!
blue bell bazaar

Which one is cuter? this or the girly one? Thanks, Gosia!, a french online shop offers decor items from Presse Citron, Le Labo Design, Ibride, and more. Thanks, Laurent!
dan golden Rug Collection

I first saw dan golden Rug Collection over at Pan-Dan sometime ago, but Ford of dan golden wrote me the nicest (and the most professional!) introduction email, so I think it's worth to be mentioned here again. Dan golden rugs must be the most daring and entertaining (a good starting point to break the ice!) rugs I've ever seen, and the designers behind it must be bold and confident ppl who believe in their work. And THAT is really worth spreading the words around. Thanks, Ford!