I received Chris Chun's newsletter before my Jakarta trip, and asked him if it's okay to post his news here. :) Chris' upcoming Fragile Beauty exhibition will feature his new paintings collection. It will be held at the Washhouse Gallery in Rozelle, Sydney, Australia, from September 11 to 30, 2007. The opening night will be on Thursday, September 13. Seeing his previous work here would make you want to see what he's up to next on the Fragile Beauty showcase. Must be another beauuuuutiful paintings!! Don't miss it!
Thanks, Chris!
(above images are copyrighted properties of Chris Chun, please do not use without permission)
Diamond, Stripe & Revolver, Spring/Summer 2008 Collection by IvanaHelsinki.

Fashionistas, boutique owners bookmark these dates to view the upcoming IvanaHelsinki's Spring/Summer 2008 Collection! August 9 to 12 at the Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark, and October 4 to 7, 2007 at Vendome, Paris Fashion Week. Pirjo sent me some images from the Diamond, Stripe & Revolver collection, but I don't think I could show them here. :) All I can say, save the dates and be there, you won't regret it!
Thanks, Pirjo!