Sorry for too much colors lately, but I just can't help keeping these all to myself! :) Here are some pictures from
Mary Maki Rae's etsy shop.
Mary Maki Rae is known for her children books, acrylic paintings and limited edition serigraph prints.

I stumbled upon her
High Flyer on
Etsy last month, and was stunned with the vibrant colors she's using and how perfectly they were registered on this limited edition hand pulled original serigraph. So I ended up buying two of her works,
Blue Tambourine and
High Flyer on White. I was waiting so impatiently for the prints to arrive, and when
vpost finally delivered them Tuesday last week, they're just exactly what I thought they would be. Perfect in every way. Perfect.

And yes, the colors are really
THAT saturated. And Mary was generous enough to include another gorgeous
print for me. Every single print in the package is just
perfect. Have I said that enough already?! ;-) If only I could afford
this fourteen colors HAND-PULLED ORIGINAL SERIGRAPH with Hand-Applied Collage Embellishments (bottom pic). *sigh* Fourteeen, I said. 14!!! Gosh.