I've just purchased a copy of Singapore Home & Decor magazine, and there's a report on the recent
Tendence Lifestyle fair in Frankfurt. One caught my eyes. It's Sandra Weinmann's baking tins and pre-mixed cake mix (see pic above). BTW, the lady on the pic is not the designer, 'coz the magazine has Sandra's pic., and this lady is not her. Yeah, too bad... I don't own the bloody scanner! so sorry folks, can't show you the pics from Singapore Home & Decor. Anyway, I like her idea of having the baking tin man (it's a man alright, look closely...) and 5 flavours associated with different types of men, such as nut for the muscleman, marzipan for the sensitive new age vegetarian guy, chocolate flake for the millionaire, yogurt for the metrosexual, and chocolate for Latin lover. Cakes can't get yummier than this! And on top of that, it comes in a brilliant packaging, each box of cake mix features the man associated with the flavour. Perfect design concept, I must say!