Ericka of JuBella.com asked my permission to use my Malang pictures quite a long while ago, and they've just gotten featured here recently. Please visit JuBella.com for more creative inspirations. ;-) Thanks, Ericka!

And, Holly of decor8 invited international design bloggers back in May, to be featured on Domino online. Now, you could (and should!) see all of them here. I'm so glad that I could finally see all my fellow bloggers, after years of blogging. *Nice to see you all! :) And it was so thoughtful of Holly to even mention my Inhabit pillows. For all of these, I say thanks to Holly and Domino!
For first-time readers who came from JuBella.com and Domino, welcome! :)
I think I'll be walking around smiling for the rest of the week now. :) Have a great weekend to you all!